Damaski Dental Centre Mississauga

All-On-X Dental Implants

All-On-X Dental Implants are an advanced solution for full-arch tooth replacement.This procedure offers a complete set of non-removable replacement teeth in just one day. With a natural appearance and secure fit, these implants eliminate the need for adhesives, providing convenience and confidence in daily activities like speaking and eating.

All-On-X Dental Implants streamline the restoration process, ensuring a harmonious and appealing smile while enhancing facial aesthetics and overall quality of life.

An image illustrating All-on-X dental implants, showing titanium implants inserted into the jawbone to support a fixed full arch prosthesis resembling natural teeth.

Benefits of All-On-X Dental Implants

  1. Fixed (Non-Removable): Unlike conventional dentures, All-On-X provides you with a full set of permanent teeth that feel and function just like real teeth.
  2. Aesthetic: Unlike conventional dentures, which may affect your appearance over time due to their size, All-On-X gives you a set of teeth that look and act like natural, healthy teeth.
  3. Same-Day Teeth (Teeth-in-a-Day): This procedure can often be completed in a single day, with the implants and teeth inserted at the same time, eliminating the need for a lengthy transition period.
  4. Immediate Function: All-On-X minimizes the recovery process, allowing you to eat, talk, and socialize right after leaving Damaski Dental Centre.
  5. Minimal Need for Grafting: All-On-X requires a minimal number of implants, reducing the need for bone grafting procedures typically associated with conventional implants. In most cases, bone grafting is not required.
  6. Cost-Effective: All-On-X has revolutionized the field by significantly reducing costs while delivering effective and satisfying results. The exact cost may vary based on individual patients and their condition, but with fewer implants and a simplified Teeth-in-a-Day procedure, All-On-X is a definite solution for edentulism.

Affordable Pricing for All-On-X Dental Implants at Damaski Dental Centre

For a single arch, the cost is $29,000, while both arches can be treated at $55,000.

We believe in making this revolutionary solution accessible to those in need of full-arch tooth replacement, providing a cost-effective option without compromising on quality or results.

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The Advantages of All-On-X Dental Implants

Enhanced Comfort and Confidence

One of the key benefits of All-On-X is the elimination of discomfort caused by rubbing or sore spots. Additionally, these teeth do not slip or fall out, providing you with a sense of confidence. You can fully enjoy the taste of food as the roof of your mouth remains uncovered. Moreover, All-On-X teeth do not require removal at night and can be cleaned just like natural teeth.

Enjoying Food and Natural Smiles

With All-On-X, you can indulge in any type of food without difficulty and smile naturally, knowing that your teeth look and feel real. This makes it an excellent solution for individuals who are currently wearing dentures or facing tooth replacement challenges.

Efficient Procedure at Damaski Dental Centre

At Damaski Dental Centre, our expert Dr. B. Alsabbagh educates patients about the All-On-X procedure. Patients can expect to arrive for their procedure and leave just a few hours later with beautiful, permanent teeth that do not require removal.

Immediate Benefits and Increased Confidence

Unlike traditional implant techniques, the All-On-X technique offers immediate benefits, allowing you to eat right after the procedure without enduring lengthy recovery times. This newfound sense of confidence enables you to participate fully in social situations and activities.

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